TruSight One Sequencing Panels

Comprehensive sequencing research panels targeting disease-associated regions of the exome with high analytical sensitivity and specificity.

6.5 hr

Assay time

~2 hr

Hands-on time

50 ng DNA

Input quantity

See full details in the specifications table

TruSight One and TruSight One Expanded enrichment oligos are now available separately for use with Illumina DNA Prep with Enrichment. Library prep kits for TruSight One (Catalog no. FC-141-1006 and FC-141-1007) and TruSight One Expanded (Catalog no. FC-141-2007) have been discontinued. 


TruSight One Sequencing Panels deliver broad content and high coverage for disease-associated genes based on multiple genomic databases and guidance from industry experts. 

  • Target up to 6700 genes associated with human disease with a minimum of 20× coverage

  • Expand existing menus, streamline workflows, or create an entire portfolio of sequencing options with a single assay

  • Simplify interpretation with user-defined gene filtering and report generation

Two panel options are available, providing clinical research labs with an affordable solution for managing a diverse assay portfolio.

TruSight One Sequencing Panel

This panel provides comprehensive coverage of 12 Mb of genomic content, including > 4800 disease-associated genes linked to specific clinical phenotypes, enabling researchers to focus on genes with known disease associations. 

TruSight One Expanded Sequencing Panel

This panel further optimizes the original panel to improve coverage. The Expanded Panel targets ~1900 additional genes in addition to the original > 4800, for a total of 16.5 Mb of genomic content. 


Required products

Requires either: 

  • A purchase of the TruSight One Sequencing Combo bundled solution (supports 15 samples and contains 1 TruSight One – Enrichment Oligos kit, 1 Illumina DNA Prep with Enrichment, (S) Tagmentation 16 samples, and 5 MiSeq Reagent Kits v3, 600 cycles), or 

  • Separate purchases of enrichment oligos for each panel, Illumina DNA Prep with or without Enrichment for 16 or 96 samples, and sequencing reagents for your system 

The IDT for Illumina DNA/RNA UD Indexes (A–D) are a required separate purchase whether you opt for the Combo bundle solution or purchase enrichment and library prep separately.  

/ Results


TruSight One Sequencing Panels provide extensive content and high coverage of disease-associated target regions, enabling labs to expand existing menus, streamline workflows, and replace iterative testing with a single assay. 

Example workflow

Project recommendations

Instrument Recommended number of samples Read length
MiSeq System

TruSight One: 3 samples per run with v3 reagents

Up to 2 × 150 bp 

NextSeq 550 System

TruSight One (samples per run): mid output: 12, high output: 36  

TruSight One Expanded: 24 samples per run (high output) 

Up to 2 × 150 bp 

Up to 2 × 150 bp 

NextSeq 2000 System

TruSight One: 96 samples per run (P3 flow cell) 

TruSight One Expanded: 66 samples per run (P3 flow cell) 

Up to 2 × 150 bp 

Up to 2 × 150 bp

NovaSeq 6000 System

TruSight One Expanded: 96 samples per run (S1 flow cell) 

Up to 2 × 150 bp

The recommended number of samples is based on 100× mean coverage of targeted content.

Related applications and methods

How others use this product


Product literature


TruSight One Sequencing Panels Illumina DNA Prep with Exome 2.5 Enrichment
Assay time 6.5 hr 6.5 hr
Content specifications TruSight One: ~12 Mb genomic content (~4800 genes).
TruSight One Expanded: ~16.5 Mb genomic content (~6700 genes).
Twist Bioscience for Illumina Exome 2.5 Exome 2.5 Panel
37.5 Mb coding content (≥ 99% of RefSeq, CCDS, ClinVar and ACMG pathogenic/likely pathogenic variants, COSMIC Cancer Gene Census), OMIM Twist Bioscience for Illumina Mitochondrial Panel covers the circular mitochondrial genome ChrM (16,659 bp, 37 genes)
Hands-on time ~2 hr ~2 hr
Input quantity 50 ng DNA 50-1000 ng high-quality genomic DNA (For direct blood and saliva, see reference guide)
Instruments MiSeq System, NextSeq 550 System, NextSeq 2000 System, NextSeq 1000 System, MiSeqDx in Research Mode, MiniSeq System, NextSeq 500 System, NovaSeq 6000 System NextSeq 550 System, NextSeq 2000 System, NextSeq 1000 System, NextSeq 550Dx in Research Mode, NovaSeq X System, NovaSeq 6000 System, NovaSeq X Plus System
Method Targeted DNA sequencing, Target enrichment Targeted DNA sequencing, Exome sequencing, Target enrichment
Multiplexing Up to 96-plex Pre-enrichment pooling of up to 12-plex is tested. Kit configuration supports multiplexing up to 192 samples. Up to 384 possible.
Nucleic acid type DNA DNA
Specialized sample types Not FFPE-compatible Blood, Saliva
Species category Human Human
Technology Sequencing Sequencing
Variant class Single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs), Germline variants Single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs), Loss of heterozygosity (LOH), Somatic variants, Germline variants, Insertions-deletions (indels), Copy number variants (CNVs)

Selection tools:


TruSight One Sequencing Panels global gene content contributors

The TruSight One panels focus on exonic regions of the genome with known disease-associated variants. Combining data from multiple public sources makes sure that the panels cover all genes currently reviewed in the clinical research setting.

TruSight One and Illumina tagmentation chemistry

The TruSight One enrichment oligos work with Illumina on-bead tagmentation chemistry to provide a fast, simple method for enrichment of targeted genes. The workflow combines library preparation and target enrichment steps and can be completed in 1.5 hours.


Hear about the collaborative approach to developing TruSight content sets.

Bundled solutions (1)

TruSight One Sequencing Combo (15 Samples)


Sufficient for 15 samples and includes TruSight One – Enrichment Oligos (Cat. no 20029227), Illumina DNA Prep with Enrichment, (S) Tagmentation (16 samples) (Cat. no. 20025523), and five MiSeq Reagent Kits v3 (600-cycle) (Cat. no. MS-102-3003). Purchase IDT for Illumina DNA/RNA UD Indexes separately.

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Enrichment panels (2)

TruSight One – Enrichment Oligos only (6 Enrichment Reactions)


Sufficient for six enrichment reactions when paired with Illumina DNA Prep with Enrichment, (S) Tagmentation. Purchase library prep and enrichment reagents and index adapters separately.

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TruSight One Expanded – Enrichment Oligos only (6 Enrichment Reactions)


Sufficient for six enrichment reactions when paired with Illumina DNA Prep with Enrichment, (S) Tagmentation. Purchase library prep and enrichment reagents and index adapters separately.

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Library prep (4)

Illumina® DNA Prep with Enrichment, (S) Tagmentation (16 Samples)


Includes reagents for preparing and enriching 16 libraries (16, 1-plex enrichment reactions). Purchase enrichment probe panel, Illumina Purification Beads and index adapters separately.

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List Price:


Illumina® DNA Prep, (S) Tagmentation (16 Samples)


Includes reagents for preparing 16 libraries. No enrichment reagents are included. Purchase enrichment probe panel, Illumina Purification Beads and index adapters separately. Enrichment reagents are only orderable with library prep reagents (Illumina DNA Prep with Enrichment, (S) Tagmentation (16 samples)).

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Illumina® DNA Prep, (S) Tagmentation (96 Samples)


Includes reagents for preparing 96 libraries. No enrichment reagents are included. Purchase enrichment probe panel, Illumina Purification Beads and index adapters separately. Enrichment reagents are only orderable with library prep reagents (Illumina DNA Prep with Enrichment, (S) Tagmentation (96 samples)).

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Illumina® DNA Prep with Enrichment, (S) Tagmentation (96 Samples)


Includes reagents for preparing and enriching 96 libraries (eight, 12-plex enrichment reactions). Purchase enrichment probe panel, Illumina Purification Beads and index adapters separately.

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Index adapters (8)

Illumina® DNA/RNA UD Indexes Set A, Tagmentation (96 Indexes, 96 Samples)


Illumina® DNA/RNA UD Indexes Set A, Tagmentation (96 Indexes, 96 Samples) Includes 96, 10 bp indexes sufficient for labeling 96 samples. Purchase library prep and enrichment reagents and probe panels separately.

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Illumina® DNA/RNA UD Indexes Set B, Tagmentation (96 Indexes, 96 Samples)


Illumina® DNA/RNA UD Indexes Set B, Tagmentation (96 Indexes, 96 Samples) Includes 96, 10 bp indexes sufficient for labeling 96 samples. Purchase library prep and enrichment reagents and probe panels separately.

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Illumina® DNA/RNA UD Indexes Set C, Tagmentation (96 Indexes, 96 Samples)


Illumina® DNA/RNA UD Indexes Set C, Tagmentation (96 Indexes, 96 Samples) Includes 96, 10 bp indexes sufficient for labeling 96 samples. Purchase library prep and enrichment reagents and probe panels separately.

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Illumina® DNA/RNA UD Indexes Set D, Tagmentation (96 Indexes, 96 Samples)


Illumina® DNA/RNA UD Indexes Set D, Tagmentation (96 Indexes, 96 Samples) Includes 96, 10 bp indexes sufficient for labeling 96 samples. Purchase library prep and enrichment reagents and probe panels separately.

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IDT® for Illumina® DNA/RNA UD Indexes Set A, Tagmentation (96 Indexes, 96 Samples)


Includes 96, 10 bp indexes sufficient for labeling 96 samples. Purchase library prep and enrichment reagents and probe panels separately.

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IDT® for Illumina® DNA/RNA UD Indexes Set B, Tagmentation (96 Indexes, 96 Samples)


Includes 96, 10 bp indexes sufficient for labeling 96 samples. Purchase library prep and enrichment reagents and probe panels separately.

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IDT® for Illumina® DNA/RNA UD Indexes Set C, Tagmentation (96 Indexes, 96 Samples)


Includes 96, 10 bp indexes sufficient for labeling 96 samples. Purchase library prep and enrichment reagents and probe panels separately.

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List Price:


IDT® for Illumina® DNA/RNA UD Indexes Set D, Tagmentation (96 Indexes, 96 Samples)


Includes 96, 10 bp indexes sufficient for labeling 96 samples. Purchase library prep and enrichment reagents and probe panels separately.

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Selection summary



Unit Price


Illumina recommends using a fluorometric-based method that is specific to double-stranded DNA, such as QuantiFluor or PicoGreen. For more information, see the input recommendations in the TruSight One Library Prep Guide.

Illumina recommends using a microheating system during tagmentation and enrichment wash steps. If a microheating system is not available, you may use a thermal cycler. Set up the tagmentation reaction as instructed using a 96-well hard-shell plate. For the enrichment wash steps, the large sample volume requires adjustments to be made to the protocol for robust performance. Refer to Appendix A in the TruSight One Sequencing Panel Reference Guide for complete details.

TruSight One Sequencing Panels target coding regions only and do not include UTR or promoter regions.
/ Results

NovaSeq X Series ordering

Advanced chemistry, optics, and informatics combine to deliver exceptional sequencing speed and data quality, outstanding throughput, and scalability.

MiSeq Reagent Kit v3

Optimized reagent kit that provides increased cluster density and read length, improving sequencing quality scores compared to earlier versions.

TruSight Oncology 500

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Illumina DNA Prep

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