TruSight RNA Fusion Panel

Comprehensive gene fusion detection covering 507 genes from FFPE and other cancer research samples.

2.5 days

Assay time

11 hr

Hands-on time

10 ng total RNA, 20–100 ng FFPE RNA

Input quantity

See full details in the specifications table


The TruSight RNA Fusion Panel covers 507 fusion-associated genes related to cancer in a single NGS assay for research use, providing results from RNA in four days. 

  • Industry-guided content for comprehensive detection of common and novel fusions

  • Optimized RNA sequencing for all sample types, including formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded (FFPE) tissue 

  • On-instrument software that displays fusion calls 

A comprehensive view of cancer-related fusion genes

The TruSight RNA Fusion Panel covers hundreds of genes in a single assay, increasing the possibility of fusion detection in the first round of testing.

Simple, streamlined workflow

A simple integrated workflow includes library prep, sequencing, and data analysis and can be scaled according to the number of samples. RNA samples can be multiplexed and sequenced on a benchtop system to maximize lab budgets.

On-instrument software

On-instrument fusion calling provides NGS-based fusion detection to labs without additional bioinformatics support. The analysis provides a list of detected fusions, relevant disease associations (as identified by the Mitelman Database), and evidence of fusion-supporting reads. 


Required products

Requires purchase of both Set A and Set B kitted reagents, each containing 12 unique indexes.  

/ Results


TruSight RNA Fusion Panel enables gene fusion detection studies with known and novel partners in 507 fusion-associated genes in multiple cancer types using blood, bone marrow, or FFPE samples. 

Example workflow

TruSight RNA Fusion Panel

Project recommendations

Instrument Recommended number of samples Read length
MiniSeq System

Samples per run: mid output: 2-3, high output: 8 (based on 3 million reads per sample)

2 × 76 bp (max recommended)

MiSeq System

8 samples per run with v3 reagents (based on 3 million reads per sample)

2 × 76 bp (max recommended)

NextSeq 550 System

24 samples per run (mid output; based on 3 million reads per sample)

2 × 76 bp (max recommended)

Related applications and methods


TruSight RNA Fusion Panel TruSight Tumor 170 AmpliSeq for Illumina Focus Panel AmpliSeq for Illumina Comprehensive Panel v3
Assay time 2.5 days ~2 days
Automation details Explore available automation methods Explore available automation methods
Cancer type Pan-cancer, Hematologic, Solid tumor Solid tumor
Description Provides a cost-effective NGS solution for cancer research, offering deep coverage of 507 genes implicated in multiple cancer types, including solid tumors, sarcomas, and hematological malignancies.  Perform comprehensive somatic variant detection research in solid tumors using variant calling information from both DNA and RNA.
Hands-on time 11 hr ~10.5 hr
Input quantity 10 ng total RNA, 20–100 ng FFPE RNA 40 ng DNA and/or RNA
Instruments MiSeq System, NextSeq 550 System, MiSeqDx in Research Mode, MiniSeq System, NextSeq 500 System NextSeq 550 System, NextSeq 500 System, HiSeq 2500 System
Method Targeted RNA sequencing, Target enrichment Targeted DNA sequencing, Targeted RNA sequencing, Target enrichment
Nucleic acid type RNA DNA, RNA
Specialized sample types Low-input samples, FFPE tissue Low-input samples, FFPE tissue
Species category Human Human
Technology Sequencing Sequencing
Variant class Gene fusions Gene fusions, Somatic variants, Structural variants, Single nucleotide variants (SNVs), Insertions-deletions (indels), Copy number variants (CNVs)

Selection tools:


TruSight RNA Fusion capture chemistry

The TruSight RNA Fusion Panel provides a simple, streamlined method for isolating targeted regions of interest from total RNA.

Concordance of TruSight RNA Fusion Detection with FISH and RT-PCR

Fusion detection in FFPE samples using the TruSight RNA Fusion Panel

The Trusight RNA Fusion Panel is optimized for high performance from both high- and low-quality RNA sample types. Library prep requires as little as 10 ng total RNA, or 20 ng FFPE RNA. This low input requirement makes this panel ideal for reliable targeted analysis of limited quantity samples.

TruSight RNA Fusion Panel Set A (48 samples)


Kitted reagents for RNA library prep and enrichment of 48 total RNA samples (including FFPE) for sequencing. Each kit contains 12 unique indexes; 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 18, and 19.

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TruSight RNA Fusion Panel Set B (48 samples)


Kitted reagents for RNA library prep and enrichment of 48 total RNA samples (including FFPE) for sequencing. Each kit contains 12 unique indexes; 1, 3, 8, 9,10, 11, 20, 21, 22, 23, 25, and 27.

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Trusight RNA Fusion Oligo Panel


Enrichment oligos only. Library prep and index adapter reagents need to be ordered separately

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Selection summary



Unit Price


A high-confidence fusion call means that a fusion meets the threshold filters based on scores from calculated values of split read scores, paired read scores, break-end homology, and other features.

A low- confidence fusion call means that a fusion is listed as recurrent in the Mitelman database but does not pass or meet the minimum threshold score. 

Learn more in Local Run Manager RNA Fusion Analysis Module Workflow Guide

The Fusion Score reflects the confidence in the fusion call, where 0 is low and 1 is high. Scores > 0.6 are reported as high- confidence fusion calls.

This assay is being automated by some of our automation providers. If you are interested in automating this workflow, contact your account manager.

Chromosomal translocations resulting in overexpression or deletion of a transcript can be reflected in gene expression levels but would not create a fusion gene. The Local Run Manager RNA Fusion module is not designed for detection of gene expression changes. To detect these changes, the RNA-Seq Alignment App in BaseSpace Sequence Hub is recommended. In addition, it is recommended to confirm these findings in DNA. 

/ Results

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