Infinium QC Array-24 Kit

High-throughput, cost-effective genotyping microarray for quality control, tracking, and stratification applications, including biobanking.

5,760 samples per week

Sample throughput

24 samples per array

Number of samples

Fixed markers: 15,949.  Custom marker add-on capacity: None. 

Number of markers

See full details in the specifications table


The Infinium QC Array-24 Kit is a cost-effective way to perform sample identity, data interpretation1, and quality validation for high-throughput genomics, biobanking, and other applications requiring confirmation of sample identification and quality. The Infinium QC Array-24 Kit offers 15,949 markers focused on high-value functional content.

Key markers include:

  • Sex determination

  • Ethnic ancestry

  • ADME (absorption, distribution, metabolism, and excretion)

  • Linkage analysis

The Infinium QC Array-24 Kit uses the Infinium 24-sample high-throughput screening (HTS) format. When used with Illumina array scanners, the Infinium QC Array-24 Kit enables the high accuracy and high-throughput genotyping required for quality control, tracking, and stratification applications.

View manifest (array content) files


Required products

Match kit size to the number of samples in a run. Each kit is processed as a single batch and is not designed to be divided across multiple experiments. Order multiple small kits if processing several low-throughput batches.

/ Results


The Infinium QC Array-24 Kit supports 15,949 markers focused on high-value functional content, including sex determination, ethnicity, and linkage analysis, that enables cost-effective and high-throughput genotyping required for quality control, tracking, and stratification applications.

Example workflow

Select microarray

Infinium QC Array-24 Kit


Related applications and methods


Product literature
Support documentation


Selection tools:


Marker Category Number of Markers
ADME 1009
Ancestry Informative 2910
Blood Group 1659
FingerprintSNPs 477
Linkage 5486
Extended MHC 930
Mitochondrial 141
Sex Chromosomes X

Infinium QC Array-24 v1.0 Kit marker information

The Infinium QC Array-24 v1.0 Kit offers markers focused on sex determination, ethnic ancestry, linkage, and several other categories.

Infinium QC Array-24 v1.0 Kit (48 samples)


The Infinium QC-Array-24 combines linkage, ancestry, sex determination, and functional markers to create a low cost, high throughput method for performing sample QC, tracking, validation, and stratification. Each Kit contains 2 BeadChips, along with reagents for amplifying, fragmenting, hybridizing, labeling and detecting 48 DNA samples

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Infinium QC Array-24 v1.0 Kit (288 samples)


The Infinium QC-Array-24 combines linkage, ancestry, sex determination, and functional markers to create a low cost, high throughput method for performing sample QC, tracking, validation, and stratification. Each Kit contains 12 BeadChips, along with reagents for amplifying, fragmenting, hybridizing, labeling and detecting 288 DNA samples

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Infinium QC Array-24 v1.0 Kit (1152 samples)


The Infinium QC-Array-24 combines linkage, ancestry, sex determination, and functional markers to create a low cost, high throughput method for performing sample QC, tracking, validation, and stratification. Each Kit contains 48 BeadChips, along with reagents for amplifying, fragmenting, hybridizing, labeling and detecting 1152 DNA samples

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Selection summary



Unit Price

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1. Ponomarenko P, Ryutov A, Maglinte DT, Baranova A, Tatarinova TV, Gai X. Clinical utility of the low-density Infinium QC genotyping array in a genomics-based diagnostics laboratory. BMC Med Genomics. 2017;10(1). doi:10.1186/s12920-017-0297-7.

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