AmpliSeq for Illumina BRCA Panel

Targeted research panel investigating somatic and germline variants in BRCA1 and BRCA2.

5 hours (library prep only; doesn't include library quantification, normalization, or pooling time)

Assay time

<1.5 hr

Hands-on time

1–100 ng (10 ng recommended per pool)

Input quantity

See full details in the specifications table


The AmpliSeq for Illumina BRCA Panel is a targeted resequencing assay for research of somatic and germline variants across BRCA1 and BRCA2 genes.

Key features

  • Relevant gene content - Target all exonic regions and flanking intronic sequences of BRCA1 and BRCA2

  • Fast, streamlined workflow - Prepare sequencing-ready libraries in a single day from as little as 1 ng of high quality or 10 ng of formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded (FFPE) input samples

  • Accurate data - Detect somatic mutations as low as 5% variant allele frequency using local or cloud based analysis

The BRCA Panel is part of an integrated workflow that includes AmpliSeq for Illumina polymerase chain reaction (PCR)-based library preparation, Illumina sequencing by synthesis (SBS) next-generation sequencing (NGS) technology, and automated analysis.

BRCA1 and BRCA2 are human tumor suppressor genes that, when carrying specific mutations, have been implicated in an increased risk for breast and ovarian cancers. This ready-to-use panel saves researchers the time and effort of identifying targets, designing primers, and optimizing panels.


Required products

The AmpliSeq for Illumina BRCA Panel workflow requires the BRCA Panel, Library PLUS kit, and index adapter.

/ Results


Example workflow

Project recommendations

Instrument Recommended number of samples Read length
iSeq 100 System

12 samples per run (assumes minimum coverage of 500×)
96 samples per run (assumes minimum coverage of 50x)

2 × 150 bp
2 × 150 bp

MiniSeq System

Samples per run: mid output: 24, high output: 80 (assumes minimum coverage of 500×)

2 × 150 bp

MiSeq System

Samples per run at 500x minimum coverage (by reagent kit version): v2 nano: 3, v2 micro: 12, v2: 48, v3: 80
Samples per run at 50x minimum coverage (by reagent kit version): v2 nano: 32, v2 micro: 96

2 × 150 bp
2 × 150 bp

Related applications and methods


Product literature
Support documentation

A dedicated support section is not currently available for this product


AmpliSeq for Illumina BRCA Panel TruSight Cancer
Assay time 5 hours (library prep only; doesn't include library quantification, normalization, or pooling time) 1.5 days
Cancer type Solid tumor Pan-cancer
Content specifications Exonic regions and the flanking intronic sequences of the BRCA1 and BRCA2 Fixed set of probes that enrich for 94 genes and 284 SNPs associated with common and rare cancers.
Description Germline and somatic analysis studies of BRCA1 and BRCA2. Germline mutation detection research for common and rare cancers.
Hands-on time <1.5 hr 5 hr
Input quantity 1–100 ng (10 ng recommended per pool) 50 ng DNA
Instruments MiSeq System, iSeq 100 System, MiSeqDx in Research Mode, MiniSeq System MiSeq System, NextSeq 550 System, MiSeqDx in Research Mode, MiniSeq System, NextSeq 500 System
Mechanism of action Multiplex PCR
Method Targeted DNA sequencing, Amplicon sequencing Targeted DNA sequencing, Target enrichment
Multiplexing 96 dual index combinations Up to 96-plex
Nucleic acid type DNA DNA
Number of amplicons 265 total. 2 pools. (Pool 1: 132 amplicons. Pool 2: 133 amplicons).
Specialized sample types Blood, FFPE tissue Not FFPE-compatible, Not FFPE-compatible
Species category Human Human
Technology Sequencing Sequencing
Variant class Single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs), Somatic variants, Germline variants, Insertions-deletions (indels) Germline variants

Selection Tools:

Panel (1)

AmpliSeq™ BRCA Panel for Illumina®


Targeted panel that assesses all exons of BRCA1 and BRCA2 genes. Kit contains 24 reactions. Library PLUS and index sold separately.

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List Price:


Library prep (3)

AmpliSeq™ Library PLUS (24 Reactions) for Illumina®


Includes reagents for preparing 24 libraries. Purchase AmpliSeq for Illumina panel and index adapters separately.

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AmpliSeq™ Library PLUS (96 Reactions) for Illumina®


Includes reagents for preparing 96 libraries. Purchase AmpliSeq for Illumina panel and index adapters separately.

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AmpliSeq™ Library PLUS (384 Reactions) for Illumina®


Includes reagents for preparing 384 libraries. Purchase AmpliSeq for Illumina panel and index adapters separately.

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Index adapters (6)

AmpliSeq™ UD Indexes for Illumina® (24 Indexes, 24 Samples)


Includes 24 indexes sufficient for labeling 24 samples. Purchase library prep and enrichment reagents and probe panels separately.

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AmpliSeq™ CD Indexes Set A for Illumina®


Includes 96 indexes sufficient for labeling 96 samples. Purchase library prep and enrichment reagents and probe panels separately.

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AmpliSeq™ CD Indexes Set B for Illumina®


Includes 96 indexes sufficient for labeling 96 samples. Purchase library prep and enrichment reagents and probe panels separately.

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AmpliSeq™ CD Indexes Set C for Illumina®


Includes 96 indexes sufficient for labeling 96 samples. Purchase library prep and enrichment reagents and probe panels separately.

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AmpliSeq™ CD Indexes Set D for Illumina®


Includes 96, 8 bp indexes sufficient for labeling 96 samples. Purchase library prep reagents and probe panels separately.

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AmpliSeq™ CD Indexes Set A-D for Illumina® (384 Indexes, 384 Samples)


Includes four sets of AmpliSeq CD Indexes for Illumina, Set A, Set B, Set C and Set D. Each set contains 96, 8 bp indexes sufficient for labeling 96 samples. Purchase library prep and probe panels separately.

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Accessory products (2)

AmpliSeq™ for Illumina® Direct FFPE DNA


Includes 24 reactions to prepare DNA from unstained, slide-mounted FFPE tissues for library construction using AmpliSeq for Illumina protocol, without the need for deparaffinization or DNA purification.

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AmpliSeq™ Library Equalizer for Illumina®


Includes beads and reagents for library normalization when preparing AmpliSeq for Illumina libraries for sequencing.

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Showing of

Selection summary



Unit Price

NovaSeq X Series ordering

Advanced chemistry, optics, and informatics combine to deliver exceptional sequencing speed and data quality, outstanding throughput, and scalability.

MiSeq Reagent Kit v3

Optimized reagent kit that provides increased cluster density and read length, improving sequencing quality scores compared to earlier versions.

TruSight Oncology 500

Enable CGP with a large pan-cancer panel covering all major variant classes plus gene signatures (TMB, MSI, and HRD) from FFPE tissue.

Illumina DNA Prep

A fast, integrated workflow for preparing libraries for use in a wide range of sequencing applications.

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