AmpliSeq for Illumina Library Prep, Indexes, and Accessories

Rapidly prepare amplicon libraries for Illumina sequencers using AmpliSeq for Illumina library preparation and index adapters.

~5 hr (time represents library prep only and doesn't include library quantification, normalization, or pooling)

Assay time

< 1.5 hr

Hands-on time

1–100 ng (10 ng recommended per pool)

Input quantity

See full details in the specifications table


AmpliSeq for Illumina Library PLUS and Indexes are optimized for use with Illumina sequencers, and generate highly accurate data with an extensive menu of ready-to-use or made to order content.

Take advantage of low input from as little as 1 ng and flexible input ranges from 1 to 100 ng. Start with either high-quality DNA/RNA samples or use formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded (FFPE) tissues.

Library preparation with AmpliSeq for Illumina is fast and simple. A multiplexed, polymerase chain reaction (PCR)-based workflow replaces nonspecific hybridization steps, resulting in a high-specificity, high-uniformity amplified library. Multiple genes can be analyzed in a single assay, saving time and reducing costs. Increase lab efficiency with an easy workflow at as low as 5 hours library preparation workflow and only 1.5 hours of hands-on time.

This scalable solution has multiple options for sequencing platforms, data analysis, and support to meet virtually all throughput needs.



Example workflow


AmpliSeq for Illumina Library PLUS

AmpliSeq for Illumina CD indexes

Related applications and methods


Manuals and Support Information

A dedicated support section is not currently available for this product

Library prep (3)

AmpliSeq™ Library PLUS (24 Reactions) for Illumina®


Includes reagents for preparing 24 libraries. Purchase AmpliSeq for Illumina panel and index adapters separately.

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AmpliSeq™ Library PLUS (96 Reactions) for Illumina®


Includes reagents for preparing 96 libraries. Purchase AmpliSeq for Illumina panel and index adapters separately.

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AmpliSeq™ Library PLUS (384 Reactions) for Illumina®


Includes reagents for preparing 384 libraries. Purchase AmpliSeq for Illumina panel and index adapters separately.

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Index adapters (7)

AmpliSeq™ UD Indexes for Illumina® (24 Indexes, 24 Samples)


Includes 24 indexes sufficient for labeling 24 samples. Purchase library prep and enrichment reagents and probe panels separately.

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AmpliSeq™ CD Indexes Set A for Illumina®


Includes 96 indexes sufficient for labeling 96 samples. Purchase library prep and enrichment reagents and probe panels separately.

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AmpliSeq™ CD Indexes Set B for Illumina®


Includes 96 indexes sufficient for labeling 96 samples. Purchase library prep and enrichment reagents and probe panels separately.

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AmpliSeq™ CD Indexes Set C for Illumina®


Includes 96 indexes sufficient for labeling 96 samples. Purchase library prep and enrichment reagents and probe panels separately.

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AmpliSeq™ CD Indexes Set D for Illumina®


Includes 96, 8 bp indexes sufficient for labeling 96 samples. Purchase library prep reagents and probe panels separately.

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AmpliSeq™ CD Indexes Set A-D for Illumina® (384 Indexes, 384 Samples)


Includes four sets of AmpliSeq CD Indexes for Illumina, Set A, Set B, Set C and Set D. Each set contains 96, 8 bp indexes sufficient for labeling 96 samples. Purchase library prep and probe panels separately.

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Ampliseq™ CD Indexes Large Volume for Illumina® (96 Indexes, 96 Samples)


AmpliSeq for Illumina CD Indexes Large Volume offers higher fill volumes for added convenience when performing AmpliSeq for Illumina Exome or automated AmpliSeq for Illumina library prep workflows involving panels with 4 or more pools.

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Accessory products (4)

Ampliseq™ cDNA Synthesis for Illumina®


Includes reaction mix and enzyme blend to convert total RNA to cDNA when working with AmpliSeq for Illumina RNA Panels (eg, AmpliSeq for Illumina Immune Response, Immune Repertoire Plus, TCR beta Panel, Myeloid, Transcriptome Human Gene Expression, Focus, and Comprehensive Panel v3 as well as Custom or Community RNA Panels). Number of reactions vary by panel (eg, 100 reactions per kit for AmpliSeq for Illumina Immune Response, Focus, Comprehensive Panel v3, and Custom panels and 200 reactions per kit for AmpliSeq for Illumina Transcriptome Human Gene Expression, Myeloid, Immune Repertoire Plus, and TCR beta Panels).

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AmpliSeq™ for Illumina® Sample ID Panel


Includes eight single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP)-targeting primer pairs and one gender discriminating primer pair sufficient for 96 reactions when paired with AmpliSeq Library PLUS for Illumina. Enables quick and accurate sample identification. Purchase library prep, probe panels, and index adapters separately.

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AmpliSeq™ for Illumina® Direct FFPE DNA


Includes 24 reactions to prepare DNA from unstained, slide-mounted FFPE tissues for library construction using AmpliSeq for Illumina protocol, without the need for deparaffinization or DNA purification.

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AmpliSeq™ Library Equalizer for Illumina®


Includes beads and reagents for library normalization when preparing AmpliSeq for Illumina libraries for sequencing.

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Selection summary



Unit Price

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