TruSight Oncology 500 High-Throughput

Enable CGP with a large pan-cancer panel covering all major variant classes plus gene signatures (TMB, MSI) from FFPE tissue, with added scalability.

4–5 days from sample to results

Assay time

~2.5 hr for automated workflow ~10.5 hr for manual workflow

Hands-on time

40 ng DNA and/or 40–80 ng RNA

Input quantity

See full details in the specifications table

Now supported on the NovaSeq X Series


TruSight Oncology 500 High-Throughput (HT) is a highly scalable pan-cancer, next-generation sequencing (NGS) assay that enables in-house comprehensive genomic profiling (CGP) from FFPE tissue.  

  • Targets 523 genes to assess all DNA and RNA variant types (SNV, CNV, indels, fusions), plus MSI and TMB 

  • Delivers accurate results with hybrid–capture chemistry and sophisticated bioinformatics 

  • Reduces hands-on time and increases scalability with optional automation kits and methods*

  • Accomodates 16-192 samples with NovaSeq 6000 and 32 - 960 samples with the NovaSeq X Series per run

Meaningful results

Evaluate > 500 pan-cancer biomarkers aligned with guidelines and clinical trials to increase chances of finding a positive biomarker with a single assay.  

Streamlined workflow

Get results in 4–5 days using manual or automated workflows integrated with ready-to-use DRAGEN secondary analysis pipelines via on-premises server or in the cloud with Illumina Connected Analytics. Access an integrated interpretation report through Illumina Connected Insights or Pierian. 

* Automation available on the Beckman Coulter iSeries or the Hamilton Microlab STAR. Contact Illumina Sales for more information.

Not available in all countries. Illumina Connected Insights supports user-defined tertiary analysis through API calls to third-party knowledge sources. 

Enable CGP with a comprehensive portfolio

Identify relevant biomarkers for clinical research with the TruSight Oncology 500 product line. 

TruSight Oncology 500 High-Throughput

Batch up to 960 samples at a time while using the same panel content and tissue input type as TruSight Oncology 500.

‡ HRD is only available with the addition of the TruSight Oncology 500 HRD kit to TruSight Oncology 500. Not available in Japan. 

§NovaSeq 6000Dx System (in research mode) and NovaSeq X Series require a separate, standalone DRAGEN server for secondary analysis.


Required products

To run TruSight Oncology 500 High-Throughput (TSO 500 HT) you need:

To analyze with the DRAGEN variant calling pipeline you need:

To generate a final report, you need:

§NovaSeq 6000Dx System (in research mode) and NovaSeq X Series require a separate, stand-alone DRAGEN server for secondary analysis.

Not available in all countries. Illumina Connected Insights supports user-defined tertiary analysis through API calls to third-party knowledge sources.

/ Results


TruSight Oncology 500 High-Throughput enables comprehensive genomic profiling of FFPE tumor samples to assess a wide range of biomarkers at increased scalability, from 16–480 samples per flow cell.

Example workflow

** Not available in all countries. Illumina Connected Insights supports user-defined tertiary analysis through API calls to third-party knowledge sources.

Project recommendations

Instrument Recommended number of samples Read length
NovaSeq 6000 System

16 samples per run (SP flow cell), 100M paired-end reads, 3,500× coverage 

32 samples per run (S1 flow cell), 100M paired-end reads, 3,500× coverage 

72 samples per run (S2 flow cell), 100M paired-end reads, 3,500× coverage 

192 samples per run (S4 flow cell), 100M paired-end reads, 3,500× coverage 

2 × 101 bp 

NovaSeq 6000Dx in Research Mode

16 samples per run (SP flow cell), 100M paired-end reads, 3,500× coverage

32 samples per run (S1 flow cell), 100M paired-end reads, 3,500× coverage

72 samples per run (S2 flow cell), 100M paired-end reads, 3,500× coverage

192 samples per run (S4 flow cell), 100M paired-end reads, 3,500× coverage

2 × 101 bp

NovaSeq X System

32 samples per run (1.5B flow cell), 3.2B paired-end reads, 3,500× coverage

192 samples per run (10B flow cell), 20B paired-end reads, 3,500× coverage

480 samples per run (25B flow cell), 52B paired-end reads, 3,500× coverage

*Throughput shown is for the single flow cell NovaSeq X Instrument.
NovaSeq X Plus offers a dual flow cell system with twice the capacity listed.

2 × 101 bp

Related applications and methods


Product literature


TruSight Oncology 500 High-Throughput TruSight Oncology 500 TruSight Oncology 500 ctDNA v2
Assay time 4–5 days from sample to results 4–5 days from sample to results 3-4 days from purified nucleic acid to variant report
Automation capability Liquid handling robots Liquid handling robots Liquid handling robots
Automation details Explore available automation methods Explore available automation methods Explore available automation methods
Cancer type Pan-cancer, Solid tumor Pan-cancer, Solid tumor Pan-cancer, Solid tumor
Content specifications Targeted sequencing of DNA from 523 genes of interest and RNA from 55 genes, for a total of 1.94Mb panel size. MSI and TMB measurement included.  Targeted sequencing of DNA from 523 genes and RNA from 55 genes for a total of 1.94 Mb panel size. MSI and TMB measurement included.  The optional TruSight Oncology 500 HRD kit (not available in Japan) content includes coverage of ~25K SNPs to assess homologous recombination deficiency through a comprehensive genomic instability score (LOH+TAI+LST) powered by Myriad Genetics.  Targeted selection of 523 genes (full coding sequence) for a total of 1.94Mb panel size.
• Immuno-oncology biomarker coverage: TMB and MSI
• Guideline coverage: Broad coverage of key guidelines for multiple solid tumor types
• Clinical trial coverage: Over 600 clinical trials (based on Velsera clinical knowledgebase, as of February 2023)
Description A high-throughput comprehensive NGS assay to identify key biomarkers in guidelines and > 1K clinical trials from a streamlined workflow using the NovaSeq 6000, NovaSeq 6000Dx (in research mode) or the NovaSeq X Series. Includes coverage of immuno-oncology biomarkers MSI and TMB. Assay that enables comprehensive genomic profiling from FFPE tissue and runs on the NextSeq 550 System or NextSeq 550Dx Instrument (in Research Mode) and can batch up to eight samples at a time. Provides a noninvasive method for profiling solid tumors for cancer research applications through comprehensive genomic profiling of liquid biopsy samples (ctDNA from blood plasma). This liquid biopsy approach provides insights about intra- and inter-tumor heterogeneity using a minimally invasive sample collection approach to complement tissue-based CGP.
Hands-on time ~2.5 hr for automated workflow
~10.5 hr for manual workflow
~2.5 hr for automated workflow
~10.5 hr for manual workflow
~1.5 hr for automated workflow
~2.5 hr for manual workflow
Input quantity 40 ng DNA and/or 40–80 ng RNA 40 ng DNA and/or 40 ng RNA 20 ng cfDNA (4 ml of plasma)
Instruments NovaSeq X System, NovaSeq 6000Dx in Research Mode, NovaSeq 6000 System NextSeq 550 System, NextSeq 550Dx in Research Mode, NextSeq 500 System NovaSeq X System, NovaSeq 6000 System
Method Targeted DNA sequencing, Targeted RNA sequencing, Target enrichment Targeted DNA sequencing, Targeted RNA sequencing, Target enrichment Targeted DNA sequencing, Target enrichment
Multiplexing NovaSeq 6000/Dx: SP flow cell 16 samples, S1 flow cell 32 samples, S2 flow cell 72 samples, S4 flow cell 192 samples NovaSeq X Series*: 1.5B cartridge 32 samples, 10B cartridge 192 samples, 25B 480 samples *Throughput shown is for the single flow cell NovaSeq X Instrument. NovaSeq X Plus offers a dual flow cell system with twice the capacity listed. Up to 8-plex NovaSeq X Series: 4 samples on 1.5B flow cell, 24 samples on 10B flow cell NovaSeq 6000: 8 samples on S2 flow cell, 24 samples on S4 flow cell, 192 indexes maximum
Nucleic acid type DNA, RNA DNA, RNA DNA
Sample throughput NovaSeq 6000/Dx: 16-192 samples/run, NovaSeq X: 32-480 samples/run, NovaSeq X Plus: 32-960 samples/run 4-48 samples/run
Specialized sample types FFPE tissue FFPE tissue Circulating tumor DNA, Blood
Species category Human Human Human
Technology Sequencing Sequencing Sequencing
Variant class Gene fusions, Somatic variants, Novel transcripts, Structural variants, Transcript variants, Single nucleotide variants (SNVs), Insertions-deletions (indels), Copy number variants (CNVs) Gene fusions, Transcript variants, Single nucleotide variants (SNVs), Insertions-deletions (indels), Copy number variants (CNVs), Loss of heterozygosity (LOH), Somatic variants, Novel transcripts, Single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs), Structural variants Single nucleotide variants (SNVs), Insertions-deletions (indels), Copy number variants (CNVs)


High concordance of TMB status between DRAGEN TruSight Oncology v2 and Local App

High concordance of MSI status between DRAGEN TruSight Oncology v2 and Local App

High concordance of CNV (gene amplification) detection between DRAGEN TruSight Oncology v2 and Local App

Robust detection of fusions and splice variants

The information in this table shows examples of concordance between TruSight Oncology 500 and TruSight Oncology 500 High-Throughput and is not a comprehensive list of the fusions and splice variants detected. These data were generated with a Local App pipeline (not DRAGEN software).

DRAGEN brings speed to TruSight Oncology 500 secondary analysis

CNV (Gene Amplification) Concordance

CNV (Gene Amplification) Concordance

High concordance between NovaSeq X Series and NovaSeq 6000 for TSO 500 HT 



Automation with TruSight Oncology 500 HT

Hear how customers at Intermountain Precision Genomics enabled CGP and scaled up their workflow with automation. 

Manual prep (8)

TruSight Oncology 500 DNA High-Throughput (48 Samples)


Includes reagents for preparing and enriching up to 48 DNA samples. Purchase index anchors and NovaSeq 6000 sequencing reagents separately.

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TruSight Oncology 500 DNA High-Throughput (144 Samples)


Includes reagents for preparing and enriching up to 144 DNA samples. Purchase index anchors and NovaSeq 6000 sequencing reagents separately.

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TruSight Oncology 500 DNA/RNA High-Throughput (24 Samples)


Includes reagents for preparing and enriching up to 24 DNA and RNA samples. Purchase index anchors and NovaSeq 6000 sequencing reagents separately.

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TruSight Oncology 500 DNA/RNA High-Throughput (72 Samples)


Includes reagents for preparing and enriching up to 72 DNA and RNA samples. Purchase index anchors and NovaSeq 6000 sequencing reagents separately.

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TruSight Oncology 500 DNA/RNA High-Throughput Kit (24 Samples), plus Velsera


Includes reagents for preparing and enriching up to 24 DNA and RNA samples and data interpretation reports using Pierian Clinical Genomics Workspace. Purchase index anchors and NovaSeq 6000 sequencing reagents separately.

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List Price:


TruSight Oncology 500 DNA High-Throughput Kit (48 Samples), plus Velsera


Includes reagents for preparing and enriching up to 48 DNA samples and data interpretation reports using Pierian Clinical Genomics Workspace. Purchase index anchors and NovaSeq 6000 sequencing reagents separately.

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List Price:


TruSight Oncology 500 DNA/RNA High-Throughput Kit (72 Samples), plus Velsera


Includes reagents for preparing and enriching up to 72 DNA and RNA samples and data interpretation reports using Pierian Clinical Genomics Workspace. Purchase index anchors and NovaSeq 6000 sequencing reagents separately.

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List Price:


TruSight Oncology 500 DNA High-Throughput Kit (144 Samples), plus Velsera


Includes reagents for preparing and enriching up to 144 DNA samples and data interpretation reports using Pierian Clinical Genomics Workspace. Purchase index anchors and NovaSeq 6000 sequencing reagents separately.

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List Price:


Automation (8)

TruSight Oncology 500 High-Throughput DNA for Automation (64 Samples)


Includes reagents for preparing and enriching up to 64 DNA samples. Purchase NovaSeq 6000 sequencing reagents separately. Intended for use with automation.

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List Price:


TruSight Oncology 500 High-Throughput DNA/RNA for Automation (32 Samples)


Includes reagents for preparing and enriching up to 32 DNA and RNA samples. Purchase NovaSeq 6000 sequencing reagents separately. Intended for use with automation.

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TruSight Oncology 500 High-Throughput DNA for Automation (64 Samples), Plus Velsera


Includes reagents for preparing and enriching up to 64 DNA samples and data interpretation reports using Pierian Clinical Genomics Workspace. Purchase NovaSeq 6000 sequencing reagents separately. Intended for use with automation.

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List Price:


TruSight Oncology 500 High-Throughput DNA/RNA for Automation (32 Samples), Plus Velsera


Includes reagents for preparing and enriching up to 32 DNA and RNA samples and data interpretation reports using Pierian Clinical Genomics Workspace. Purchase NovaSeq 6000 sequencing reagents separately. Intended for use with automation.

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List Price:


TruSight Oncology 500 High-Throughput DNA for Automation (144 Samples)


Includes reagents for preparing and enriching up to 144 DNA samples. Purchase NovaSeq 6000 sequencing reagents separately. Intended for use with automation.

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TruSight Oncology 500 High-Throughput DNA for Automation (144 Samples), Plus Velsera 


Includes reagents for preparing and enriching up to 144 DNA samples and data interpretation reports using Pierian Clinical Genomics Workspace. Purchase NovaSeq 6000 sequencing reagents separately. Intended for use with automation.

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List Price:


TruSight Oncology 500 High-Throughput DNA/RNA for Automation (72 Samples)


Includes reagents for preparing and enriching up to 72 DNA and RNA samples. Purchase NovaSeq 6000 sequencing reagents separately. Intended for use with automation.

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List Price:


TruSight Oncology 500 High-Throughput DNA/RNA for Automation (72 samples) + Velsera


Includes reagents for preparing and enriching up to 72 DNA and RNA samples and data interpretation reports using Pierian Clinical Genomics Workspace. Purchase NovaSeq 6000 sequencing reagents separately. Intended for use with automation.

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Index adapters (4)

IDT® for Illumina® UMI DNA/RNA UD Indexes Set A, Ligation (96 Indexes, 96 Samples)


UMI DNA Index Anchors (Plate = 20027219, Box = 20032119) + Nextera Compatible Unique Dual Index A (Sales Kit = 20027213, Plate = 20025019, Box = 20026121)

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IDT® for Illumina® UMI DNA/RNA UD Indexes Set B, Ligation (96 Indexes, 96 Samples)


IDT for Illumina UMI DNA Index Anchors Set B

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IDT for Illumina UMI DNA/DNA Index Anchors Set A for Automation


Includes one box of 96 IDT for Illumina - UMI DNA/RNA UD Indexes Set A for Automation sufficient for labeling 96 samples and one box of 96 IDT for Illumina - UMI DNA Index Anchors for Automation.

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IDT for Illumina UMI DNA/DNA Index Anchors Set B for Automation


Includes one box of 96 IDT for Illumina - UMI DNA/RNA UD Indexes Set B for Automation sufficient for labeling 96 samples and one box of 96 IDT for Illumina - UMI DNA Index Anchors for Automation.

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Reagents (7)

NovaSeq™ X Series 1.5B Reagent Kit (200 Cyc)


This reagent kit provides one NovaSeq X Series 1.5B flow cell (with 2- lanes) and reagent consumables to support a single flow cell 200 cycles run on the NovaSeq X and NovaSeq X Plus systems.

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NovaSeq X Series 10B Reagent Kit (200 Cycle)


This reagent kit provides one NovaSeq X Series 10B flow cell (with 8- lanes) and reagent consumables to support a single flow cell 200 cycles run on the NovaSeq X and NovaSeq X Plus systems.

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NovaSeq™ X Series 25B Reagent Kit (300 Cyc)


This reagent kit provides one NovaSeq X Series 25B flow cell (with 8- lanes) and reagent consumables to support a single flow cell 300 cycles run on the NovaSeq X and NovaSeq X Plus systems.

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NovaSeq 6000 S4 Reagent Kit v1.5 (200 cycles)


Includes one S4 flow cell, one buffer cartridge, one cluster cartridge, and one sequencing cartridge to support a 200-cycle run on the NovaSeq 6000 System.

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NovaSeq 6000 S2 Reagent Kit v1.5 (200 cycles)


Includes one S2 flow cell, one buffer cartridge, one cluster cartridge, and one sequencing cartridge to support a 200-cycle run on the NovaSeq 6000 System.

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NovaSeq 6000 S1 Reagent Kit v1.5 (200 cycles)


Includes one S1 flow cell, one buffer cartridge, one cluster cartridge, and one sequencing cartridge to support a 200-cycle run on the NovaSeq 6000 System.

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NovaSeq 6000 SP Reagent Kit v1.5 (200 cycles)


Includes one SP flow cell on,e buffer cartridge, one cluster cartridge, and one sequencing cartridge to support a 200-cycle run on the NovaSeq 6000 System.

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Services (4)

Trusight Oncology 500 HT Training (DNA) - Customer Site


Three-day, hands-on instruction at customer site to familiarize users with TruSight Oncology 500 HT (DNA only). Course provides hands-on training in library preparation, enrichment, sequencing, and data analysis for a maximum of four trainees. NOTE: The short description should be updated as well. We no longer use "TST". It should be consistent with others and say "TSO 500."

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Trusight Oncology 500 HT Training (DNA and RNA) - Customer Site


3.5-day, hands-on instruction at customer site to familiarize users with TruSight Oncology 500 HT (DNA and RNA). Course provides hands-on training in library preparation, enrichment, sequencing, and data analysis for a maximum of four trainees. NOTE: The short description should be updated as well. We no longer use "TST". It should be consistent with others and say "TSO 500."

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Connected Insights Training - Remote


Illumina Connected Insights Training - Remote includes five (5) hours of product training delivered virtually.

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Informatics Professional Services


Professional Services rendered for Illumina informatics products and solutions, which may be defined by a pre-determined scope or statement of work.

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Software and informatics options (14)

Illumina DRAGEN Server v3


Includes Avance Exchange support for the first year. Requires purchase of annual DRAGEN license.

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Illumina DRAGEN Server v4


Includes Advance Exchange support for the first year. Requires purchase of annual DRAGEN license.

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ICA Basic Annual Subscription


Illumina Connected Analytics (ICA) Basic Annual Subscription. This product includes 1 year of access to ICA Basic, including sequencing instrument connectivity, data management capabilities, and access to pre-packaged analysis tools.

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ICA Professional Annual Subscription


Illumina Connected Analytics (ICA) Professional Annual Subscription. This product includes 1 year of access to ICA, including sequencing instrument connectivity, data management capabilities, access to pre- packaged tools, and the ability to create customized workflows composed of tools, pipelines, data warehouses, and notebooks.

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ICA Enterprise Annual Subscription


Illumina Connected Analytics (ICA) Enterprise Annual Subscription. This product includes 1 year of access to ICA Enterprise, including sequencing instrument connectivity, data management capabilities, custom and pre-packaged analysis tools, and the Base module for data warehousing and mining. ICA Enterprise also includes optional HIPAA BAA (US-only), single sign-on (SSO), and a service level agreement (SLA).

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ICA Enterprise Srvc & Compliance Add-on


Illumina Connected Analytics (ICA) Compliance enables single sign-on (SSO), multi-factor authentication (MFA), HIPAA BAA (US-only), and a Service Level Agreement (SLA) for an ICA Basic Annual Subscription.

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Illumina Analytics - 1 iCredit


iCredits are used for data storage and analysis on either BaseSpace Sequence Hub or Illumina Connected Analytics.

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Illumina Analytics  Starter Pack - 1,000 iCredits


iCredits are used for data storage and analysis on either BaseSpace Sequence Hub or Illumina Connected Analytics.

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Illumina Analytics  - 5,000 iCredits


iCredits are used for data storage and analysis on either BaseSpace Sequence Hub or Illumina Connected Analytics.

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Illumina Analytics  - 50,000 iCredits


iCredits are used for data storage and analysis on either BaseSpace Sequence Hub or Illumina Connected Analytics.

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Illumina Analytics - 100,000 iCredits


iCredits are used for data storage and analysis on either BaseSpace Sequence Hub or Illumina Connected Analytics.

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Insights - Annual Subscription


Annual subscription to Illumina Connected Insights platform.

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Illumina Connected Insights – Oncology Genome Equivalent Sample - VCF


Illumina Connected Insights pre-paid oncology samples on per genome equivalent basis starting from VCF: one genome is equivalent to 2 exomes, 3 large and 6 small panel samples. Any unused samples will automatically roll over provided that the annual subscription to Illumina Connected Insights (20090137) is renewed on an annual basis. Access to a set of oncology knowledge bases is included.

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Insights - Annual Subscription


Annual subscription to Illumina Connected Insights platform.

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Showing of

Selection summary



Unit Price


The primary difference between the assays is scale. TruSight Oncology 500 HT runs on Illumina's high-throughput sequencers; the NovaSeq 6000 System, NovaSeq 6000Dx Instrument (in Research Mode) and NovaSeq X Series Instruments. Sample batching can range from 16–960 samples at a time, providing scalability to higher sample throughput. TruSight Oncology 500 runs on the NextSeq 550 System or NextSeq 550Dx Instrument (in research mode) and can batch up to 8 samples at a time. See the comparison table on this page for other differences.

Yes, you can automate the TSO 500 HT workflow with Illumina Qualified automation methods. Illumina Qualified methods are available on the Beckman Coulter Life Sciences i7 and the Hamilton STAR (MOA configuration) liquid handling robots. Illumina Qualified methods are co-developed by Illumina and the automation partner. Automation specific library prep kits are offered by Illumina to accommodate the reagent volume required by automation platforms.

TruSight Oncology 500 HRD is not currently validated for use with TruSight Oncology 500 High-Throughput. Please reach out to your local Illumina sales or support representatives for information on alternative solutions. TruSight Oncology 500 HRD is not available in Japan.

The Illumina DRAGEN secondary analysis platform delivers greater variant calling accuracy at twice the speed of non-DRAGEN options.1 Increased accuracy provides better performance for sample QC, complex variants, small variants, fusions, and splice variants, as well as exon-level CNV calling for BRCA1/BRCA2. Illumina will continue to bring innovative features to DRAGEN TruSight Oncology 500 pipelines.

Yes, you can perform analysis with your own software. However, Illumina will not be able to directly provide technical support in this case.

/ Results

Order the NovaSeq X Series

Advanced chemistry, optics, and informatics combine to deliver exceptional speed and data quality, outstanding throughput and scalability.

MiSeq Reagent Kit v3

Optimized reagent kit that provides increased cluster density and read length, improving sequencing quality scores compared to earlier versions.

TruSight Oncology 500

Enable CGP with a large pan-cancer panel covering all major variant classes plus gene signatures (TMB, MSI, and HRD) from FFPE tissue.

Illumina DNA Prep

A fast, integrated workflow for preparing libraries for use in a wide range of sequencing applications.


  1. Data calculations on file. Illumina, Inc. 2023.

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