What's new in MyIllumina

Unified online business in a single platform

Experience enhanced run metrics and smarter delivery options to gain deeper insights and greater control

Select flow cells and reagent kit options

  • Choose the perfect match: Select the appropriate flow cells and reagent kits for your connected instruments to maximize performance details and insights.
  • Seamless synchronization: When deselecting a flow cell, linked reagents are automatically deselected, ensuring a smooth and intuitive process.
  • Export trend metrics with ease: Export trend metrics for selected instruments, flow cells, and reagent kits for specific runs, or download all metrics from the past year for full fleet analysis.

See key run metrics over time

  • Choose your focus: Pick metrics such as yield, Q30, percentage of reads passing filter (%PF), or percentage of reads aligned to PhiX (%Aligned to PhiX). 
  • Track performance trends: Monitor performance trends over time using either predefined or custom date ranges. 
  • Instant insights: Hover over plot points to instantly view insights into instrument runs, including instrument type, flow cell, reagent kit, and other pertinent data.

Get insights from the dashboard

  • Direct dashboard access: Select flow cells and reagent kits directly from the Instrument Management dashboard widget.
  • Instant metric assessment: Assess key run metrics immediately or choose "Compare and Trend" to view these metrics in Instrument Management.

Select enhanced delivery options during checkout for better visibility and control

Enhanced, smarter delivery options

  • Choose from enhanced delivery options, including "As soon as possible," "Schedule future date," or "Request complete delivery." 
  • Delivery date selection is smarter and based on delivery terms for your specific location, preventing the selection of a specific date if delivery windows for your location fall outside your selected date.
  • Receive products individually as soon as they are available, or select one delivery date for all items.

Get in touch

For additional assistance, contact our Customer Care team at customercare@Illumina.com.