iSeq 100 Sequencing System specifications

Big advantages in a little package

Highly accurate data, fast run times, and a maximum output of 1.2 Gb in a simple, compact benchtop sequencing system

iSeq 100 sequencing system render

Output per flow cell for various read lengthsa

What is read length? 

Sequence read length refers to the length of each sequenced DNA fragment and whether it is sequenced from one end or both ends. For example, a 2 × 150 bp run generates two reads (forward and reverse) of 150 base pairs for each DNA fragment. Longer read lengths are preferred over shorter read lengths because they have a better probability of spanning repeats in the DNA sequence.

Learn more about read length

iSeq 100 Sequencing System

Read length iSeq 100 i1 Reagent v2
1 × 36 bp 144 Mb
1 × 50 bp 200 Mb
1 × 75 bp 300 Mb
2 × 75 bp 600 Mb
2 × 150 bp 1.2 Gb

a. Specifications based on Illumina PhiX control library at supported cluster densities (174–200 k/mm2 clusters passing filter).

Estimated sample throughput for key applicationsa

iSeq 100 Sequencing System

Application iSeq 100 i1 Reagent v2b

Small genome sequencing per run

5–10 Mb genomes, 30× coverage, 2 × 150 bp


Targeted gene expression profiling per run

Up to 500 targets, 1 × 50 bp


Targeted amplicon sequencing per run

Up to 3000 amplicons, 2 × 150 bp


a. All sample throughputs are estimates and are based on single flow cell runs. 

b. Number of samples per run using the iSeq 100 i1 Reagent v2.

Reads passing filter per flow cella

What are reads passing filter?

The percentage of clusters passing chastity filtering, with each passing filter cluster providing a read (single-end reads) or two reads (paired-end reads).

Learn more about reads passing filter

iSeq 100 Sequencing System

  iSeq 100 i1 Reagent v2
Single-end reads 4M
Paired-end reads 8M

a. Specifications based on Illumina PhiX control library at supported cluster densities (174–200 k/mm2 clusters passing filter).

Quality scoresa

What is a quality score?

A quality score, or Q-score, is a prediction of the probability of an error in base calling. Higher Q-scores indicate a smaller probability of error. A quality score of 30 represents an error rate of one in 1000, with a corresponding call accuracy of 99.9%.

Learn more about sequencing quality scores

iSeq 100 Sequencing System

Read length iSeq 100 i1 Reagent v2
1 × 36 bp > 85% of bases higher than Q30
1 × 50 bp > 85% of bases higher than Q30
1 × 75 bp > 80% of bases higher than Q30
2 × 75 bp > 80% of bases higher than Q30
2 × 150 bp > 80% of bases higher than Q30

a. The percentage of bases > Q30 is averaged across the entire run.

Run timea

iSeq 100 Sequencing System

Read length iSeq 100 i1 Reagent v2
1 × 36 bp 9.5 hr
1 × 50 bp 10 hr
1 × 75 bp 11 hr
2 × 75 bp 14 hr
2 × 150 bp 19 hr

a. Total time includes cluster generation, sequencing, and base calling on an iSeq 100 System.

Instrument specifications

iSeq 100 system specifications

iSeq 100 instrument specifications

  • Light emitting diode (LED)

    520 nm
  • Dimensions
    W × D × H
    30.5 cm × 33 cm × 42.5 cm 12.0 in × 13.0 in × 16.7 in
  • Dry weight
    16 kg (35 lb)
  • Crated weight
    21 kg (47 lb)

Key technologies

Understanding sequencing specifications