NovaSeq X Series ordering
Advanced chemistry, optics, and informatics combine to deliver exceptional sequencing speed and data quality, outstanding throughput, and scalability.
As the scanning component of the lnfinium BeadChip workflow, the iScanDx Instrument generates and detects fluorescent intensities associated with individual bead types on the array, performs data aggregation, and outputs the aggregated intensities for each bead type for analysis. The iScanDx Instrument is designed for easy incorporation into IVDR-compliant workflows.
In this video, an Illumina Field Applications Scientist discusses what to expect during the preinstallation, shipping, and delivery stages. We’ll highlight important steps in the process and introduce you to available resources.
iScanDx Instrument
iScan™ Dx System
The Illumina iScan™ Dx System is a bench-top reading that utilizes Illumina's BeadArray technology and includes the iScan reader, isolation table, computer, installation and a 1 year wararnty. The iScan™ Dx System is only sold/supported in certain regions/countries. Please contact the Product Manager with questions
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The iScanDx Instrument consists of the following components:
iScanDx Reader
Instrument control computer
BeadChip carrier
Power cords and other accessories
[Optional] AutoLoader System
BeadChips are purchased separately.
The average scan time per sample of the iScan Instrument is 1.25 minutes when equipped with an AutoLoader 2.x and liquid-handling robotics system.
There are no limitations beyond the fact that the iScanDx Instrument Operating Software (iDOS) does not include custom scan settings or the ability to generate *.tiff or *.gtc files.
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