
Join us at the APHL 2020 Virtual conference for a series of free presentations over 4 weeks.

Tuesday and Thursdays | September 22 - October 15, 2020

APHL 2020 Virtual will feature a series of free, online presentations on selected topics. Experts will discuss pandemic response and other timely ​​topics, including environmental health, infectious disease, informatics and workforce development.

The APHL 2020 Virtual Conference will take place on Tuesdays and Thursdays over the course of four weeks between September 22 and October 15. The conference will include several plenary sessions per day along with posters and exhibits. The sessions will be 60 minutes long and will consist of a welcome, pre-recorded presentations (video and PowerPoint slides) and questions and answers. Over 60 posters will be viewable as an e-poster with a short video presentation. There will be a virtual exhibit hall with information on the latest in products and services and links to interact with exhibitor staff.


Advance registration through APHL is required to attend APHL 2020 Virtual, but registration fees are complimentary for all attendees.

Illumina Innovate Session:

Next-Generation Sequencing (NGS) Applications for SARS-CoV-2/COVID-19 Epidemiology and Diagnostics


Mehdi Keddache

Date & Time
Sep 22, 2020 – Oct 15, 2020
Microbial genomics
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