
Cardiovascular Disease (CVD) is the #1 cause of death in the US and impacts many with severe outcomes or significant impact to quality of life. Proper patient management is a major challenge, especially when genetics play a crucial role. The Baylor College of Medicine HeartCareTM program aims to change patient management and improve lives by interrogating a set of genes that influence the risk of cardiovascular disease and other related conditions in order to find the proper treatment for each patient. Join us in listening to experts, Dr. Christie Ballantyne, Dr. Ronald Maag and Damon Hostin of illumina, as they discuss the program goals, learnings, and next steps to expand this program to improve patient care and outcomes for patients with cardiovascular disease.

"Changing Patient Management and Improving Lives through Personalized Medicine"

Illumina Education Session Available starting Thursday, July 29th 1:00 PM CST

Featured Speakers:
Christie Ballantyne headshot

Christie Ballantyne, MD
Chief of Cardiology and Chief of Cardiovascular Research
Baylor College of Medicine

Dr. Ronald Maag headshot

Dr. Ronald Maag MD, FACC
Assistant Professor of Medicine, Section of Cardiology
Baylor College of Medicine

Damon Hostin headshot

Damon Hostin
Senior Director
Market Access

Date & Time
Jul 28, 2021 – Jul 29, 2021
American Hospital Association
Genetic & rare diseases
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