Join us on April 21st at the Rady’s Frontiers in Pediatric Genomic Medicine conference, with this year's theme focusing on “Transforming live with Rapid Precision Medicine”. The conference looks to deep dive into case studies and the latest innovations in pediatric genomic medicine while bringing together leaders in research, healthcare and genomic medicine from around the world to teach, learn and network in a virtual environment.
Come learn more at Illumina’s booth about our industry leading sequencing platforms, informatic and whole-genome sequencing solutions and how they can empower your rare disease workflows.
“Whole-genome sequencing: now the first-line test for intellectual disability”
Thursday, April 22nd 8:00 AM PST
Featured Speaker:
Dr. Jacques L. Michaud, MD
Director, CHU Sainte-Justine Research Center
Professor of Pediatrics and Neurosciences, Université de Montréal.