Access a wide range of BaseSpace Apps for simplified data analysis
BaseSpace Sequence Hub offers a wide variety of NGS (next-generation sequencing) data analysis applications (apps) that are developed or optimized by Illumina, or from a growing ecosystem of third-party app providers. Together, these cover all the common analysis methods used with Illumina NGS data, including RNA-Seq, exome/enrichment, amplicon, whole-genome sequencing (WGS), de novo assembly, and 16S metagenomics data analysis.
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BaseSpace Onsite Hub
Video BaseSpace Onsite Sequence Hub allows users to access their next-generation sequencing data anywhere.
BaseSpace Apps Quick Guide View PDF
Push-Button De Novo Assembly in BaseSpace Hub
Push-Button Data Visualization in BaseSpace Hub
Streamlined NGS Data with BaseSpace Hub Read Interview BaseSpace integrated workflow helps BRC-Seq core lab deliver high-quality sequencing data to its customers.