What's new in MyIllumina

Unified online business in a single platform

Smarter cart experience with product insights

Get real-time, actionable information to optimize your checkout process and enhance your online shopping experience.

Illumina cart alert showing replacement product recommendations
Stay ahead of product availability

Receive advance notification about discontinued products, along with suggested replacement options that you can easily add, swap, or replace with a single click directly from the notification. Access these notifications from the product finder widget on the MyIllumina dashboard, quick cart, cart page, or product page—wherever you prefer to manage your cart.

Illumina cart showing accessory recommendations
Complete your order with ease

When adding products to your cart, view frequently purchased items, compatible accessories, and recommended products—then add them with just a few clicks.

Marketing alert within Illumina cart
Stay informed about new products

Newly available items display in a dedicated message area, making it simple to add them to your cart.

Popular features from previous releases

Dive deeper with dashboard visualizations

Assess and compare instrument performance with better precision, powered by MyIllumina and Proactive.

  • Get insights into instrument run performance at the flow cell and reagent kit level from your MyIllumina dashboard.
  • Analyze trend data by run types using interactive pie chart visualizations.
  • Customize the dashboard widget display for fast, convenient access to instrument performance and other insights.

Get in touch

For additional assistance, contact our Customer Care team at customercare@Illumina.com.