Before starting new experimental designs or doing Illumina sequencing for the first time, it is often helpful to look at the results of similar studies. This can help guide workflow modifications and select appropriate analytical software tools.
Explore sequencing data generated on Illumina sequencing systems and analyzed using Illumina data analysis tools. See how our tools make it easy to analyze your data and generate meaningful reports that biologists can understand without bioinformatics expertise. You can view sample data sets and reports for a variety of methods, or try out tools using sample data, and evaluate the results interactively.
See sample data sets for various methods in BaseSpace Sequence Hub, our genomics cloud computing environment, or test BaseSpace Apps and evaluate results interactively.
Browse Data Sets in BaseSpace Data CentralNote that a customer login is required to access BaseSpace Sequence Hub and view specific data sets.
Access resources and support for Illumina software, including sequencing data analysis and other software tools.
View more sample data generated by BaseSpace Apps and keep up with the latest tools and functionality in BaseSpace Sequence Hub.
Learn more about the accurate, ultra-rapid secondary analysis platform and accompanying pipelines.
Build your genomic sequencing practice with this powerful, easy-to-use bioinformatics compute and storage environment.