Illumina DNA Prep product line

Innovative library preparation

Save time and gain lab efficiencies with fast, flexible sequencing library preparation

Scientist holding reagent tube with dark liquid, NovaSeq 6000 blurry in background

Illumina DNA Prep chemistry powers fast workflows

Illumina DNA Prep products represent the latest revolution in Illumina library prep chemistry. Unique bead-linked transposome chemistry integrates DNA extraction, fragmentation, library preparation, and library normalization to deliver the fastest, most flexible whole-genome and targeted enrichment workflows in the Illumina library prep portfolio.

Illumina DNA Prep products

Each kit generates sequencing-ready libraries featuring consistent insert sizes, uniform coverage, and exceptional data quality, regardless of DNA input amount or type, for use in various applications.

Illumina DNA Prep

A fast, integrated workflow for preparing libraries for use in a wide range of sequencing applications.

Illumina DNA Prep with Enrichment

A complete targeted resequencing solution for a wide range of applications, with fast integrated workflow and options for custom and fixed enrichment panels.

Illumina DNA PCR-Free Prep

An efficient, fast, and integrated library preparation workflow that yields highly accurate data for sensitive sequencing applications.

Key features and benefits

Fast library prep

Bead-linked transposome chemistry integrates multiple steps to deliver the fastest library preparation in the Illumina library prep portfolio. Prepare libraries in ~1.5–6.5 hours.

Numerous applications

Wide range of sequencing applications, including whole-genome sequencing of any species (large or small genomes), exome sequencing, and disease- or phenotype targeted sequencing with fixed, predesigned panels.

Streamlined workflow

User-friendly, automation-compatible workflow combines DNA fragmentation and adapter ligation and eliminates the need for library quantification.

High data quality

Bead-based chemistry minimizes bias and opportunities for error, resulting in highly reproducible high-quality sequencing data with even genome coverage.

Multiple sample types

Flexible protocol accommodates a broad range of sample input types, including blood, saliva, and formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded (FFPE) tissue.

Broad DNA input range

Broad DNA input range of ~1–1000 ng. The required input varies based on complexity of genome being sequenced (eg, small vs large genomes) and kit (whole-genome vs enrichment).

How Illumina DNA Prep technology works: (A) Bead-linked transposomes mediate the simultaneous fragmentation of gDNA and the addition of Illumina sequencing primers. (B) Reduced-cycle PCR amplification amplifies sequencing ready DNA fragments and adds indexes and adapters. (C) Sequencing-ready fragments are washed and pooled.

(A) Bead-linked transposomes mediate the simultaneous fragmentation of gDNA and the addition of Illumina sequencing primers. (B) Reduced-cycle PCR amplification amplifies sequencing ready DNA fragments and adds indexes and adapters. (C) Sequencing-ready fragments are washed and pooled.

How Illumina DNA Prep technology works

Illumina DNA Prep chemistry uses an innovative bead-linked transposome complex to fragment genomic DNA and add adapter tag sequences in a single reaction step (tagmentation). After saturation with input DNA, the bead-linked transposome complex fragments a set number of DNA molecules. This bead-based saturation allows the flexibility to use a wide DNA input range and delivers consistent, uniform fragment size distribution that yields normalized libraries.

Following tagmentation, a limited-cycle PCR step or a PCR-free ligation step adds Illumina DNA Prep–specific index adapter sequences to both ends of a DNA fragment, enabling dual-indexed sequencing of pooled libraries. A subsequent bead-based cleanup step then prepares libraries for use on any Illumina sequencing platform.

Featured workflow: Whole-genome sequencing with Illumina DNA Prep

Illumina DNA Prep is part of an integrated workflow for next-generation sequencing (NGS) that includes library preparation, high-quality sequencing, and simplified data analysis. Using on-bead tagmentation chemistry, Illumina DNA Prep saves time and reduces hands-on touchpoints to deliver one of the fastest library preparation solutions in the Illumina library prep portfolio. Library prep takes ~3.5 hours total, with 1–1.5 hours of hands-on time. 

Illumina DNA Prep FAQ

Illumina DNA Prep can be used in a wide range of applications, from sequencing large whole genomes to sequencing microbial species.

Illumina DNA Prep with Enrichment includes the same steps as Illumina DNA Prep but allows for targeted sequencing using custom, fixed, and exome panels in a final enrichment step.

Illumina DNA PCR-Free Prep removes the PCR step, eliminating PCR-induced bias. It is ideal for sensitive applications, such as human whole-genome sequencing.

Illumina DNA Prep includes the reagents needed for generating sequencing-ready libraries and magnetic sample purification beads for library cleanup steps. Index adapters must be purchased separately.

Illumina DNA Prep with Enrichment includes reagents needed for preparing and enriching sequencing-ready libraries. AMPure XP beads for library cleanup steps, index adapters, and your chosen enrichment oligo panel must be purchased separately.

Illumina DNA PCR-Free Prep includes the reagents needed for generating sequencing-ready libraries and magnetic sample purification beads for library cleanup steps. Sequencing primers, sequencing and indexing primers, and index adapters must be purchased separately.

The following panels are compatible with Illumina DNA Prep with Enrichment:

TruSight One

TruSight One Expanded

TruSight Cancer

TruSight Hereditary Cancer

Illumina Exome Panel

The following index adapters are compatible with Illumina DNA Prep:
  • Illumina DNA/RNA Unique Dual (UD) Indexes
  • Nextera DNA Combinatorial Dual (CD) Indexes
The following index adapters are compatible with Illumina DNA Prep with Enrichment:
  • Illumina DNA/RNA Unique Dual (UD) Indexes
The following index adapters are compatible with Illumina DNA PCR-Free Prep:
  • Illumina DNA/RNA Unique Dual (UD) Indexes
/ Results

Additional resources

Whole-genome sequencing

Sequence the entire genome, including coding and noncoding regions. Ideal for discovery applications.

Target enrichment

Select and sequence specific genes or genomic regions of interest using predesigned or custom designed panels for gene profiling studies.

Amplicon sequencing

Ultradeep sequencing of PCR amplicons with cost-effective analysis of up to hundreds of target genomic regions in one assay.

Speak to a specialist

Talk to an Illumina specialist to learn more about Illumina DNA Prep products.