Transcriptomics is the complete study of the transcriptome which includes all RNA molecules found within an organism. Using next-generation sequencing (NGS) technology, RNA sequencing (RNA-Seq) continues to expand the frontiers of biology whether the need is to interrogate a few genes at a time or to profile genome-wide gene expression levels in a single experiment.
Regardless of the approach, RNA-Seq enables higher discovery power owing to its wide detection, high sensitivity, and low bias while having scalable capabilities for high-throughput applications.
Download the ebook to learn how discoveries enabled by transcriptomics have impacted our understanding of biology.
Download eBookLearn how RNA-Seq can reveal anywhere from the full transcriptome to targeted sequences of interest. Sensitively capture changes in gene expression or characterize multiple forms of RNA to unravel its structure, variation, and activity without the limitation of prior knowledge. Explore various techniques to learn how the discovery power of RNA-seq can empower high-impact research.
Learn how total RNA sequencing (total RNA-Seq) can analyze whole transcriptomes to capture known and novel sequences in coding and noncoding regions.
See how mRNA sequencing (mRNA-Seq) can provide a highly sensitive and accurate view of the coding transcriptome.
Achieve cost-effective, accurate, and sensitive RNA exome analysis of even difficult samples without sacrificing gene fusion discovery power.
Explore how targeted RNA-Seq can be used as a highly accurate technique for sequencing specific transcripts in a variety of sample types.
Explore advanced methods that use transcriptomics for a more comprehensive view of biology. See how transcriptomics can provide unprecedented biological insights when combined with genomics and protein analysis.
Researchers at Okayama University in Japan use Illumina Connected Analytics with DRAGEN pipelines for analyzing whole-genome, exome, transcriptome, and metagenome data.
Investigators show how the use of a novel multiomic method to identify surface proteins and transcriptomes at the single-cell level.
This study describes the cellular basis of complex brain diseases and reveals an unexpected role of oligodendrocytes in Parkinson's disease through genomic and transcriptomic analyses.
Accessible and highly scalable single-cell RNA-Seq solution for mRNA capture, barcoding, and library prep with a simple manual workflow that doesn't require a cell isolation instrument.
Provides exceptional performance for the analysis of coding and multiple forms of noncoding RNA.
Offers a streamlined RNA-Seq solution for clear and comprehensive analysis across the transcriptome.
Access multiple omics on a single instrument. Deep and broad coverage through advanced applications for a comprehensive view of omic data with the NovaSeq X Series and NovaSeq 6000 Sequencing System.
Flexible, affordable, and scalable to help both new and experienced users achieve fast turnaround times and reduced operating costs with NextSeq 1000 and NextSeq 2000 Sequencing Systems.
A secure genomic data platform to operationalize informatics and drive scientific insights.
Accurate, comprehensive, and efficient secondary analysis of next-generation sequencing data.
Correlation Engine is an interactive knowledge base where users can put their private multiomic data into biological context with highly curated public multiomic data.
Explore our comprehensive guide detailing Illumina solutions for next-generation RNA sequencing applications.
Download GuideAn approach for modeling epigenetic regulation of gene expression from single-cell multiomic data.
Annika Sonntag, PhD explains how using NGS helped her team obtain broader RNA data and measure exon-specific RNA expression.
Whole-genome shotgun sequencing and transcriptomics provide researchers and pharmaceutical companies with data to refine drug discovery and development.
Download this overview detailing a noninvasive, cell-free approach to discover biomarkers from whole blood for potential use in cancer studies.
This eBook provides is your comprehensive guide on analyzing bulk and single-cell data for NGS-based workflows.
Find out how to utilize RNA-Seq to discover and profile RNA-based drug response biomarkers. Access resources designed to help researchers adopt this application.