Infinium array product line

Make meaningful discoveries

Array-based solutions provide unparalleled genomic access and accuracy for detecting genetic and epigenetic variation

illumina infinium array

Explore the versatility of the Infinium array product line

The Infinium microarray product line provides cost-effective solutions for genomic studies, including genotyping and methylation profiling, enabling discoveries in a multitude of applications on one platform.

Proven Illumina Infinium chemistry can process hundreds of thousands of samples per week for use in epigenomics, agrigenomics, cytogenetics, and more.

Scalable workflow and automation enablement options deliver an easy way to transition to large population studies. With Infinium microarrays, you have the flexibility to perform a wide breadth and scale of genomic projects.


Featured Infinium array products

Infinium MethylationEPIC v2.0 Kit

Robust methylation profiling microarray providing extensive coverage of CpG islands, genes, and enhancers. Ideal for genetic and rare disease research, cancer research, and classification.

Key features and benefits

Flexible content

Features predesigned arrays with expert-selected content. Add content to existing arrays or create custom arrays based on research needs.

Pretested content

Fuel your study with optimized and tested content in numerous genetic disease research areas.

Multiple applications

Allows access to a broad range of applications, including genotyping, copy number variation and cytogenetic analysis, genome-wide and epigenome-wide association studies, and more.

High data quality

Provides average call rates of > 99%, reproducibility ≥ 99.9%, high signal-to-noise ratios, and low overall noise levels.

Cost-effective solution

Interrogates many single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) or CpGs at low total running cost.

Low DNA input

Supports a low input DNA sample requirement of 100–200 ng, sufficient to assay millions of loci.

How the Infinium assay works

The Infinium assay includes amplification, fragmentation, precipitation and resuspension, hybridization, extension, staining, and imaging. Each step plays a role in streamlining sample preparation and enabling unlimited multiplexing.

Watch the video to see the Illumina Infinium assay lab workflow. Learn about the main steps of the protocol, the purpose of each step, key techniques, and best practices for optimal performance. 


The Infinium assay workflow

The Infinium assay workflow proceeds from input DNA to automated genotype report with a total assay turnaround time of three days.

Day 1

The assay starts with genomic DNA (200 ng). Overnight amplification occurs on day one.

Step 1: Amplify and incubate DNA

Day 2

On day two, the amplified product undergoes enzymatic fragmentation. After alcohol precipitation and DNA resuspension, the sample is applied to the BeadChip microarray for overnight hybridization whereby the DNA anneals to complimentary probes.

Step 2: Fragment amplified DNA

Step 3: Precipitate and resuspend

Step 4: Prepare BeadChip array

Step 5: Hybridize samples on BeadChip

Day 3

On day three, allelic specificity is conferred by enzymatic base extension, followed by fluorescent staining and imaging.

Step 6: Extend/stain samples on BeadChip

Step 7: Image BeadChip

Step 8: Autocall genotypes and generate reports

Illumina Infinium FAQ

Illumina offers custom and semicustom genotyping panels on various BeadChip formats. Researchers can design their own content panels using the online DesignStudio Microarray Assay Designer software. This online tool is compatible with Infinium iSelect high definition (HD), iSelect high-throughput screening (HTS), and XT iSelect Custom BeadChips to target single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) and insertions/deletions (indels) in any species.

Post-amplification steps can be carried out on the LIMS-ready Tecan Freedom EVO 150 liquid-handling system. BeadChip scanning occurs on the iScan System that has an optional hands-free AutoLoader for increased efficiency.

Sample types can vary depending on the array being used, but most support saliva, blood, solid tumors, formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded (FFPE) samples, and buccal swabs.

Each array has a different format, so the number of samples varies depending on the array purchased. 

The Infinium I assay uses two probes per locus to determine the relative intensity ratio of the two possible target alleles for any given locus (ie, two bead types, one for each allele), whereas the Infinium II assay requires one probe per locus (ie, one bead type for both alleles). As a result, both assays offer complementary strengths that enhance the breadth of coverage of the array.

/ Results

Additional resources


The flexible, scalable Infinium workflow

This video highlights how easy it is to adopt the time-tested Infinium workflow. Discover how this robust microarray solution can meet your lab’s unique needs.

Illumina microarray technology

Learn about Illumina microarray technology and how it allows analysis of hundreds of thousands to millions of genotypes and methylomes for a single individual at once.

Single-base extension assay

This publication describes the mechanism of action, scalability, throughput, and accuracy of the Infinium whole-genome genotyping assay.

Speak to a specialist

Talk to an Illumina specialist to learn more about Infinium arrays.