iScan System

Cutting-edge array scanner

Submicron resolution and high sample throughput deliver exceptional data quality and rapid scan times

iScan sequencing system

Population studies, biobanks, and arrays

Dr. Scott Weiss, Scientific Director at Partners HealthCare Personalized Medicine, discusses his work in genetic association studies using Illumina microarrays and highlights why array quality and accuracy are so critical in asthma genetics research.

two researchers starting sequencing library prep
Explore more

One system to support a wide breadth of applications, including agrigenomics, DNA methylation studies, biomarker screening, and more.

iScan sequencing data on screen
Data you can trust

With high call rates, sensitive measurement, and a wide dynamic range, the iScan System produces exceptional data quality and reproducible results.

iScan with autoloader
Flexibility to meet your needs

Modular components and automation options create a tunable system that can be configured to match virtually any scale of project.

High-throughput array scanner

iScan instrument specifications

System specificationsa

  • Average scan time per sample
    1.25 min
  • Average scan time per BeadChip (automated)
    30 min
  • Maximum weekly throughput
    5670 samples

a. Data is from the Infinium Global Screening Array-24 BeadChip. Approximate values, scan times, and maximum throughput may vary depending on laboratory and system configurations. Scan times are based on systems with PCs installed in 2016 or later and with LIMS integration turned off.

Streamline your array workflow

Manage workflow

Manage your workflow seamlessly with Clarity LIMS or your existing LIMS system.

Array processing

Choose from a comprehensive suite of array products for genotyping and epigenetic analysis, or design custom arrays to suit your research.

Array scanning

Scan hundreds to thousands of samples quickly and accurately with automation options.

Analyze data

Complete analysis in a few hours with onboard GenomeStudio Software.

Access a broad range of array-based applications

The iScan System delivers high-quality data for a broad range of genomic applications with the flexibility to meet various throughput needs.

researcher with iScan and flow cells

Featured applications

Compare with NextSeq 550 System


iScan System


NextSeq 550 System

Microarray applications Genotyping, methylation, and cytogenomic arraysa Methylation and cytogenomic arraysb
Microarray scan times 0.3–26 min per sample 3.3–5 min per sample

a. iScan System can image the complete Infinium array product portfolio. 

b. NextSeq 550 System can image the Infinium MethylationEPIC BeadChip and Infinium CytoSNP-850K BeadChip only.

Popular products

Infinium Hardware Kits

These kits include the hardware and accessories needed to process multiple BeadChip array samples in parallel.

Speak with a specialist

Get assistance with deciding if your lab can benefit from this high-throughput microarray scanner. Contact us today for more information on the iScan System.